Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can Painful Memories Be Erased?

Is it possible to erase painful memories?  One of my readers expressed that concern to me this week, and it is a very valid question.  It's natural to want anything that hurts to go away, and memories of betrayal or rejection are among the most painful.  I don't think my new friend and I are alone in that sentiment.

You know in your heart of hearts that aside from a lobotomy, complete erasure of any memory, painful or not, is not really possible. We can try to block it out, distract ourselves with some other activity, pretend it's not there, but those nagging memories still pop up, don't they?  Relentless little boogers.

What IS possible, is to put those memories in their place, and ease the pain they cause us.  And to do that, we must let them be a part of our life rather than trying to banish  them from existence.  What if, instead of trying to get rid of them, we look at them a little differently?  Seeing something from a different perspective will accomplish what we are looking for.....less pain.  More happy feelings.  More PEACE.  You KNOW how I love peace.

So how, exactly, do we do that?  I don't claim to have all the answers, so I can only tell what has worked for me and others like me.

First, decide that what someone else did to you does not define you.  Their opinions and actions are theirs, not yours, not anyone else.  Instead of thinking of that person as 'the one' that you lost, realize that they are just one in a group of individuals that you 'tried on' and they weren't the best fit for you.  Just someone from your past that didn't appreciate how great you are.  Their loss.  They were a stepping stone for you to learn what you could, and decide what you definitely want and don't want.  When you take away their supreme importance in your life, the pain they can inflict even years after what they did, is lessened considerably.

Next, focus on the good.  The good in your life currently,  the good things you learned in  the past, the blessings you have been given, and the person you have become because of your experiences.  It's like when you look at a painting and you focus on one certain thing, the rest looks blurred and not as important.  Memories and life experiences are like that too....focus on the good and the other parts will blur and fade.

Then, make some new memories.  Big, fun, happy recent memories help to minimize past memories.  And being satisfied and happy with your current life is what everyone wants, right?  Plan some great things for yourself and enjoy them as they unfold.  Soon the memories of painful things in your past will be just that....a distant memory.  Who?  Oh, yeah...I almost forgot about them ;)  Okay, maybe that is an over-statement, but you get the idea.   

And last, forgive them.  I wrote about forgiveness a couple of months ago in this blog, so you may want to refer to 'Set Yourself Free'.  To break the hold those painful memories have on our lives, we need to forgive the ones who hurt us...whether they asked for it or not, and whether they deserve it or not.  This is all  about you finding peace and happiness, my darling's not about them. Let God heal you by forgiving all His children.  He appreciates and loves your forgiving heart, and He blesses you ten-fold for your effort by healing your broken heart and giving  you more than you ever dreamed possible.  This last thing makes the biggest difference and does the most for you.  It did for me. 

You are made up of a million things....genes, memories, experiences, beliefs, gifts, talents, actions....I could go on and on.  You are not made up of 'them'.  Let 'them' go.....and embrace YOU.

My best to you, my friend.

Love, Michelle

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