Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Universe is Listening

The words you speak have power, my friend.  More power than you realize.  And, the Universe hangs on your every word!

You are a very powerful being, and the words you speak create your world.  We have both internal and external dialogues, and what we say to ourselves affects what we say to others. 

What kind of things do you say to yourself?  Oh boy….I know, I’ve said them, too.  Things like, ‘I could never….’, or ‘I don’t deserve that….’, or ‘I wasn’t meant to have….’.  With those kinds of beliefs and inner dialogues, how does that come out when we talk with others?  ‘I can’t do….’, and ‘I will never have….’, and  ‘That’s impossible for me….’  Then we add in our actions based on our beliefs. 

Yikes!  What are we creating here?

The good news is, we have the power to create something different.  Would you like to know how?

Open yourself up, my dear friend, and think about the way you would LIKE your life to be, not necessarily what is it right now.  And then speak to yourself and others the way you would if your life was really like that.  Did you catch that?  Live and dream and BE in that place as if you were already there.  How would you behave?  What would you say?  How would you feel?

Then speak those things out loud.  Someone who is happy and peaceful and has all they desire would never say to themselves or anyone else that they aren’t good enough, or that something was impossible for them.  They would simply say that they would find a way, there must be a way.  And then they would find it.  Just as you will.

Human beings are the crown of God’s creations, and you are so beloved of Him.  He created you to be successful, happy and abundant.  Believe it, because it is absolutely the truth.   I do understand that when the storms of life are gathered around you and you are in a dark place, you don’t believe that.  But even in those moments, you wish it were true…you may even hope it is true.  Trust me just a little and know that you were meant for all things good and all that you desire. 

Let’s you and I be aware of things we say to ourselves, and the words we speak out loud.  I want to create a glorious future, don’t you?  So let’s work on that together, you and I.  Today let’s speak of our perfect life and all that we want as if we have it.  Let’s put our order in…the Universe is listening. 
