Sunday, October 28, 2012

Be of Good Cheer

Let's try an experiment together, my friend.  See how many time you can smile in any one day, and keep a count.  Smile when you talk to someone, smile at a stranger you pass, smile when you think of a happy memory.  Keep a count, and then see if, at the end of the day, you feel happier. 

Tomorrow is Monday, and admittedly, it's not my favorite day of the week.  Back to the grind.  So I'll try the experiment with you, and we'll see if we have a better Monday than we would normally have.  Smile as many time as you can and keep a tally.  I'll bet we can smile over 100 times.  That's my goal. 

I  always feel so blessed if someone smiles at me, and I know someone feels blessed to see your smile, too.  It's a small thing with big results, and it is a kindness you can bestow on anyone, anytime, that will life their spirits and yours.  You can instantly cheer someone up a little, and you will be cheered, too.

We all have so much to be grateful for, and if we focus on those blessings and smile, we will be of good cheer and spread it around.  What a wonderful world if we all went around spreading good cheer among all we meet!  We can do it together.

Have a wonderful Monday, my friends.  Make the most of each day you've been given.

Love, Michelle