Saturday, November 17, 2012


There are so many beautiful things I am thankful for today.  Since I have not always appreciated the little things in my life, and I am sometimes disatisfied with the way life goes, I have been making a conscience effort to truly appreciate how good I have it, and to recognize that I am so blessed.  Here are a few things I noticed today, and gave thanks:

I woke up in a warm home and a comfortable bed.
My husband lay sleeping beside me. 
I slept all night in a safe place.
I got in the shower, and lovely warm water came out of the spout. 
I had an abundance of fresh food to eat. 
I cooked my breakfast in the comfort of my home over a working stove.
My two youngest children are still living at home, and they both gave me a hug and told me they love me.
All my children are safe and healthy, and I have a great relationship with each of them. 
My married children have wonderful spouses.
Both my parents are still alive and healthy, and I got to talk to both of them today and we said 'I love you'.
I have peace in my heart.
I have the love of many good friends in my life. 
My car started and I got to drive where I needed to go. 
I am healthy and pain free.

Noticing all these things today helps me feel happy and blessed. Really, I could go on and on.  What's on your list today?  Your list will be different than mine, and all the things I listed today could be lost to me tomorrow.   Life can change rapidly, so the lesson is to appreciate what we have today and be thankful for the blessings we have, when we have them.  It's so easy to look back and say, 'I wish I still had...I wish I had appreciated it.'

There have been days when one or more of those listed above was not the case in my life, which makes them all the sweeter.  I have slept in uncomfortable, cold places.  I have cried with a broken heart alone in my bed.  I have showered in cold water.  I have been hungry and wondered how I would get some food.  I have missed my children terribly when they were not with me.  I have worried over more than one of my babies as they lay in a hospital bed, clinging to life.  I have had a period of time in the past when I didn't get along my parents. I have had days of crying out to God for some peace in my heart.  I have had broken down cars that wouldn't start when I needed to take my baby to the doctor.  I have had surgeries and times of extreme pain.  You have probably experienced many of these same things in your life and you are with me.
I know there are so many in my country and throughout the world who are in the midst of a crisis and are just trying to survive today.  My heart breaks for them and I pray for all my fellowmen, that their suffering will be eased and they will have what they need and want.  What I also know, is that on any given day we can find something to be grateful for.  Not all days will be like today when my list is very, very long.  But I will always have a list.

I hope you always have one, too.

Love, Michelle

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