Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gratitude Makes It Happen

Back in December when I started blogging, I wrote about being grateful and how it equals being happy.  Today I'm going to expound on that because I can't stop thinking about how important gratitude really is, and how it makes things happen in our lives.  Really great things.

Besides making you feel happier when you think about all the things you are grateful for, there is even more magic to be discovered in Gratitude.  Gratitude actually brings the things you desire most to you.  Did you catch that?  Delivers it in your lap.

Let's say there is something you want with all your heart.  Picture it in your mind....get really clear about how it looks and feels.  Picture yourself having that which you most desire.  Now....feel how great it will be when you have actually attained it.  Now the kicker:  Be grateful that you have it.  Feel that deep, warm feeling of gratitude that it is already yours, and trust that it is on it's way to you.  Doesn't that feel great?!  No got this!

Not only will this up your happiness level, but it will put you in a different frame of mind.  Suddenly you are brimming with gratitude at all you have rather than feeling a lack of what you don't.  And that, my friend, changes your life!  You are now un-blocked from having the desires of your heart.  You have opened the flood gates with your grateful heart. 

I've asked you this before....What do you want?

I want a lot of things and circumstances, and I'll tell you one.  There is a beautiful villa that sits atop a Tuscan hill with my name on it, and I am beyond grateful that it's mine!  Wahoo!  I am going to purchase it....don't know how, but I know I will.  And I knew it the moment I saw the picture for the first time, which I now look at every single day. 

Try it with something small and increase your confidence in your ability to create and have and be whatever you want by being grateful that it's on it's way to you.  And then try it with something bigger.  There is no cap or ceiling on what you can create for yourself by being grateful for all that you NOW have and all that you WILL have. 

The Universe is so excited to give it all to you, and you can feel grateful that you are so loved, so adored and so blessed. 

Love, Michelle

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