Friday, March 4, 2011

A New 'Something' for Spring

I don't exactly love winter.  Snow and cold feel claustrophobic to me.  A couple of days ago I saw tulips just starting to peek out of the soil in a big planter outside my office building and it gave me a surge of hope that spring is almost here.  The beginning of spring feels like walking into a room filled with light and happiness after being in a dark cold tunnel...similar to being depressed and then finally feeling happy.  What a wonderful feeling! 

Then I was thinking that the beginning of spring is also like discovering something new in life or about yourself.  Like discovering a new passion or hobby....or finding a new friend or companion...and suddenly life just feels so full of possibilities and wonder.  Happiness!

So lets do something together, you and I, this spring.  Let's find something new to be excited about, to look forward to each new day.  It can be something small or something much bigger, but let's find it!  It will be like a exploration of's a new year and a new season and I need something new to get excited about.  Do you?  I need something to make me smile and be excited to wake up every day.  A secret inside me that let's me know that life is getting better every day.  I want that for you, too, my friend.  As my mom always says, "Everyone needs something to look forward to".  She's so right. 

I've decided to take a class that I've been wanting to take for a long time.  I just started's online and I can do it at my own speed.  As soon as I signed up for it, I felt a sense of happiness and accomplishment.  And I feel excited and happy to be learning something that has interested me for several years.  It's opening up new doors for me and that makes me smile! 

I've told you mine, now what is yours?  I'd love to hear from you...leave a comment and tell me the one new thing you are going to do to make your life more enjoyable and create some happiness for yourself.  If you don't want to leave a public comment, email me at  It's our year....things are changing and I love sharing that with you. 

Love, Michelle

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