Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Choice is Yours

This past week I had a great reminder that I get to choose my attitude about every situation, and that I can either choose to focus on everything that's not working, or I can choose to be grateful for all the things that are so good in my life.

When I got this reminder, I felt a twinge of guilt....I really shouldn't need the reminder, I chided myself.  I'm a motivational speaker and writer, for crying out loud!  Secret is out....I messed up, and I got caught up in a wave of negativity.  And maybe that happens to you, too.  Sigh...we are all so human, huh? 

Since someone was sent to me so I could hear that important message to get me back on track, I want to return the favor and share that same message with you, my dear friend.  As I was reminded this week, one person can make a difference, and it spreads.  When everyone else is complaining and stating all the things that are wrong, you can be THE different voice.  You can be the one who expresses gratitude, and lifts up rather than puts down.  You can the the one.....I can be the one.  By being the one, you will feel good inside when everyone else is feeling down.  And, your good attitude it bound to influence at least one person for the better.  

Whether it is where you live, or your workplace, or your neighborhood, or your family......if you look for something to be wrong, you can always find it.  Sometimes it's so glaring that you don't have to look to far.  It may take a bit more effort to find the things that are good...but they are there, too.  May have to dig deep, but you can choose to find the good.  You have that power.

I am so grateful for the person who reminded me that I  have the power to choose how I feel.  It took courage to say it, and it takes courage to rise above the negative.  I am grateful that I was reminded that I can and should do better.  You and I were destined to be do great things.  I have felt better and more optimistic about a difficult situation than I have in a long time.  The situation didn't attitude did.  My heart did.  My resolve did.  My commitment did.  I can and will do better today than yesterday.

Great that we all have that choice, isn't it?!  God gives us the privilege to choose every thought and decision in our lives.  We don't get to choose what others do to us, only our own actions, reactions and thoughts. I can weigh the situation and make choices about how I'm going  to handle it.  I can choose to stay where I am, or make a different choice.  If I don't like it, I can change it....or I can simply be happy about what is so great, and not worry about the rest.  Either way, my choice.  Love it!!!

One other note.....let's not be quick to judge others about their decisions and attitudes.  It's okay if they choose a different attitude than you or me.  We all learn things in our own time frame.  We all make mistakes, and we all have things we can improve.  Just love them and go on your merry way....feeling happy and grateful, my friend.


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