Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gratitude = Healing

Want to feel happier instantly? Be grateful for what you already have! 

So much  healing can take place in your life when you feel gratitude for all the good things in your life.  The happiest people in the world are those that feel so grateful for their blessings.  And you can be one of those people.

Do you keep a gratitude journal? When I first heard that suggestion, I loved it and starting keeping one. Now, I admit I don't write in it every day, but I DO think about the things I'm grateful for every day. You can accomplish this even if things in your life are really painful and difficult. There is always at least one thing or one person in your life to be grateful for, every single day. It might be as simple as 'I am grateful that my friend sent me a text today' or as big as 'I am grateful that the bank approved the loan for my mortgage today'. One day I wrote that I was grateful for a beautiful sunset that I felt like had been created just for me.  Another day I was grateful that I ran into an old friend at the grocery store and she gave me a hug, even though she didn't know I needed one. 

Whatever you can find to be grateful for multiplies. And suddenly you can think of more and more things to be grateful for, and you feel happier. Go ahead, smile! That increases your feeling of happiness, too.  Feeling grateful is like being on an elevator going up....farther away from things that have hurt you.

It's totally fine to want more than you have. In fact, it's noble to want 'all things good' in your life. You can be grateful for what you have and still want more or better. Go ahead and think about having an abundance of the things you want most in your life-money, love, a happy marriage, your own thriving business, traveling the world-the sky's the limit. And the more you focus on being grateful, the faster those good things you want in your life will come to you. 

Happy Holidays, my friend.


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