Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Beginning

I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore.  I set intentions.  "I intend to...." 

It's like I've already decided I'm going to do something.  For me, "I intend to...." has more power than "I want to..." or "I resolve to..." 

There have been years in the past when my 'intention' was simply to endure the year.  Didn't make any goals, didn't care about much.  So if you can relate to that, read on.

We all need things to look forward to in order to have any kind of excitement for life.  Even just a little spark of excitement requires that we are looking forward to something in the future.  Something that is fun or exciting or comforting. 

So what do you really want?  Is that a loaded question, or what?!

Several years ago, in the time right after I first learned of my former husband's infidelity, the thing I wanted most in my life was PEACE.  I wanted to feel peaceful in my heart and in my head.  Whenever I was asked, 'What do you want?", that's the word that popped into my head. PEACE.  So I began looking for things that would help me feel peace.  I had no idea how I was going to find, I just knew that I wanted it more than anything else. 

So it is with anything we want.  Whether it's a new job, a vacation to somewhere that you have always wanted to go, a loving relationship in your life, or an abundance of don't have to know how you are going to accomplish it, we only need to set our intention for what we want and begin listening to our intuition about steps to take to get us there.  Our brains do not like a vacuum, and it will work double time to close the gap from where you are to where you'd like to be.   You'll start getting new ideas of how you can accomplish what you intend to have or make happen.  Listen to those ideas and then act!  I believe they come from a higher power who knows more that we do.  It's like getting advice from the ultimate life coach.

Each new year is new beginning....don't you love it?!  It's unwritten and you get to write it!  I know that it can feel impossible to pull yourself up out of depression and pain.  I also know that it is NOT impossible.  It only feels like it, and feelings can change.  How do I know that?  Because I now have peace in my heart and in my head.  Peace, glorious peace!  So get on the elevator and come up and away from all the things that hurt you.  Plan something that you can look forward to and get excited about it.  Plan one thing or many things....plan one thing for every month!  Think what a great year you'll have. 

May you find your hearts desire this year, my friend.  Happy New Year!


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