Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Becoming Who You Were Meant to Be

Ah, Spring Break....my husband and I took the kids on a little trip to the southern part of our state and we enjoyed just being with them so much.  While my sweet husband was driving I had some time to read, something I LOVE to do.  I finished a lovely novel by Stephanie Grace Whitson, and then I was able read some articles on getting closer to God and being a happier person....a person more like Him.  All that I read filled my heart with a feeling of happiness and peace and I want to share that with you, and everyone!

We find clues and help on how to be happier all around us, if we we will open our hearts and minds to all the possibilities.  Happiness is found in the smile of a stranger, the warmth of a child's hug, the music and art created by gifted individuals throughout all time, the writings of inspired authors, the beauty of nature, the love of family and friends.....truly we are blessed with so much created just for us to enjoy. 

So with all we have been blessed with, finding happiness can still be elusive, can it not?  We search and search....somehow missing something that we know we should be able to feel.  We all have a journey, so it's okay if you are still searching for the all important happiness you seek.  It will come a little at a time, in small moments at first.  Then as you learn new things and acquire more peace in your heart, those moments take hold and reside in you permanently.  Being aware and appreciative of each small moment increases your happiness.

All the things I have written about in this blog will help....gratitude, forgiveness, doing what you love, being true to your talents and dreams, serving and loving others, being open to new experiences.....all will help build happiness and add to to your overall feeling of well being.

My heart is with you, my friend, as we journey together in becoming who we were meant to be.  I know that we are far greater than we thought we were and only God sees all that we can become.  If we let Him guide us, we will surely find the happiness that is ours for the taking.

Love, Michelle

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