Saturday, April 2, 2011

Set Yourself Free

Ever notice how the people who have hurt us don't seem to be too bothered by that?  They might be completely aware they hurt us and just don't care, or they may not know and are blissfully oblivious to the pain their words or actions have caused.

Because I want every person in the world to have peace and happiness in their heart, I'm tackling the touchy subject of Forgiveness.

Believe me, I know how hard it is to forgive someone who has hurt you.  I have even felt like a couple of people in my life have purposely set out to destroy me.  And yet somehow I had to learn to forgive so I could be free of that hold they had on me, and free of the pain and unrest in my heart.  Earlier in my life it took me years, but it didn't have to.  Later on I learned how to forgive in a shorter amount of time, thus freeing myself from more hurt.

The concept is not new....the Bible talks about forgiveness to give us direction and help, since God knew that we would hurt each other all over the place.  He loves us, and wants to help us figure out how to be happy and have peace despite what others do.  So how do we do that?

We let go, and forgive.

Easier said than done, I realize.  But truly, a happy heart is a forgiving heart.  Love is slow to anger and easily forgives.  God is love and you were made in His image.  I know that since you are reading my blog, you are a loving good person who is striving to be more at peace and find more happiness.   I'm not saying you need to feel love for someone that has hurt you, although if you can you are further ahead than many of us.  What I'm saying is that having a forgiving heart frees you from the hold of hurt and pain.  You can move on past it all!

We all know people who have a very difficult time getting past their past.  Every injustice is felt over and over.  I've been there myself and maybe you have too.  They are stuck....just like I was.  Couldn't move forward, couldn't be happy.

Honor yourself and your divine heritage by freeing yourself from all that.  Forgive....and truly live the life you were meant!

Love, Michelle

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