Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Take Good Care of You

I have been reflecting on the things we do and say to ourselves when we have major disappointments or traumas.  We are hurting and we need someone to blame, and you know who that 'someone' usually is?  Yep, our own self.  We beat our selves up emotionally and mentally.....sometimes even physically.  We call ourselves every name in the book, tell ourselves how stupid we are, go into self destructive modes and tell ourselves that we aren't worthy of anything good.  Okay, maybe you have never done this, and if that's true, then I am so proud of you.  You are miles ahead of the rest of us!  If you HAVE treated yourself this way,  you are not alone.  I have done and said those very things to myself in the past, and what I have learned is this:  You will heal more quickly if you are kind and loving to yourself, and if you are non-judgmental of you.

When you berate yourself and talk mean to yourself, you set yourself for a lot more of what you just got.  Other people who don't treat you with respect, spouses who let you down and don't keep their vows, bosses who take advantage of you and treat you like you are expendable.....the list goes on.  Why do they treat us like that?  We teach them to by the way we are treating ourselves.....and we think we deserve no better than that. They may not treat us with disrespect at first, but we have planted the seed in their head that we approve of being treated badly.  Geez, we are even leading the way!

What if we turned it around?  What if, instead of beating ourselves up for the latest crisis we are going through, we actually comforted and soothed our own selves?  How different would THAT feel?  I can tell you, I've done it both ways, and being kind to yourself puts you on a higher plain emotionally.  And it takes you down a different, better, more emotionally sound road than you've ever been that brings better experiences than you've had before!  Dare to dream, my friend!

Be your own best friend, your own protector, your biggest fan!  Show yourself compassion and gentleness, just as you would extend to your dearest friend in the same situation.  Get enough rest, eat good food, do something you enjoy, speak kindly to yourself in your head and heart, and forgive yourself of past mistakes.  The past is over....the future is yours to write.  And the one person who will always be with you, is YOU.  Love and appreciate your constant companion for all the things you've learned, endured, accomplished and experienced.

You are fabulous, my friend!

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