Friday, January 7, 2011

What does THAT mean?

I changed the name of my blog today to 'Move On, Be Happy'.  This the title of a future book, and my daughter Lindsey came up with the title.  I like 'Survive and Thrive' but I also think that I am all about being happy, despite (or even because of) painful experiences, and helping others work toward happiness after their own tough situations.

'Move On, Be Happy' is a life project, but also a frame of mind.  You know, when someone hurts you, the best revenge is to be happy.  Take your life back.  This takes time, but not as long as we all think it can be much quicker by deciding that you are going be fine-without 'so and so', rather than thinking they ruined your life.  It does seem that way at first, I'm the first to admit.  I've had my days and nights of sobbing and feeling like nothing would ever be okay again.  If you're still in that stage, it's okay.  It's normal to feel that way for a bit. The longer we stay there, though, we are stuck and can't move on.  At first the pain is so raw and powerful that it feels way bigger than you, and it is important to acknowledge and respect your feelings.  Later, it becomes a choice of whether we stay in that place or not. 

I used to believe that I had no control over my life or what happened to me.  I thought I could only react to whatever life gave me (or dumped on me).  Yes, deciding how you are going to handle things is part of it.  Part of life.  How we handle things that happen to us, define who we are.  But the other part of that is that we can attract and bring all great things we want into our lives.  Don't roll your eyes.....we really can!

The Law of Attraction is a universal law, just like the Law of Gravity. Whatever we think about and focus on is what we attract.  Like attracts Like.  So if we are always thinking, "Nothing great ever happens to me," then the Universe has to obey.  It also has to obey when we are always thinking, "Things always work out great for me, and I have a wonderful life."    This is a broad statement, but try it with smaller things. Self talk is all important in moving on and being happy, so instead of saying to yourself, "I just can't win", try saying, "I have what it takes".  Here's something even smaller-rather than, "This restaurant always messes up my order", try thinking and saying, "I always get great service, and I'm grateful for the great service I receive at this restaurant."  It's a small thing that can have a big impact on your frame of mind and how you view your life.

It's so easy to look at the negative things that have happened.  It takes effort to turn it around and focus and expect positive.  And you, my friend, have what it takes!

There are many resources that explain the Law of Attraction, how it works and how you can make it work to your benefit.  It works whether we want it to or not, or whether we believe it or not.  You may as well make it work FOR you, rather than against you.  There are websites, articles, book and movies all dedicated to understanding the Law of Attraction.  Begin a quest to understand it for yourself, and you can create the kind of life you've always dreamed of having. 


Here's some links to learning more about the Law of Attraction:

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